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TOPESCORTBABES.COM -falsuri si site strain de cacat in colaborare cu pestele de la luxury escorts

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Daca intrati pe acel site topescortbabes veti vedea ca mai mult de jumatate dintre profile sunt si cele de pe luxuryescorts,restul sunt falsuri cu rusoaice de pe pare ca este o colaborare de stil pescareala imputita intre cele 2 siteuri ptr asi promova tarfele.bai cacatilor ce preturi cereti ptr un profil? Unde mortii vostrii va credeti? In dubai? Pisamas pe toata rasa voastra astia de la topbabesc, lesinati care sper sa dispareti din romania, va mai tine sclavul ala de la luxury.uuuuu futuva rasa in gura

If you enter that site topescortbabes you will see that more than half of the profiles are those on luxuryescorts, the rest are fakes with Russian women on instagram.  shit baths what prices do you ask for a profile?  Where do you think your dead are?  In dubai?  Pisamas for all these races from topbabesc, fainted who I hope will disappear from Romania, that slave from luxury will keep you alive.






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A,si uitati mizerie aici, cica au oamenii top, cum mortii vostrii vine asta,2 pe locul 1😂😂😂saraciilor,prosteala ieftina, au pus pe una suspicios, mars baga mias pula in mortii vostrii, cand ati luat banii nu era suspicioasa? De ce ati mai postat profilul zdrentelor? Va spus maimutoiul ala de la luxury ca ii strica smecheria, sa ma slobozesc pe familiile voastre

Oh, and forget the mess here, that's what the top people have, how your dead come this, 2 on the 1st place of the poor, cheap nonsense, they put on a suspicious one, march put my cock in your dead, when you took the money it wasn't  suspicious?  Why did you post the rags profile before?  That luxury monkey told you it spoiled his trick, to set your families free



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  • 5 months later...

If you enter that site topescortbabes you will see that more than half of the profiles are those on luxuryescorts, the rest are fakes with Russian women on instagram.  shit baths what prices do you ask for a profile?  Where do you think your dead are?  In dubai?  Pisamas for all these races from topbabesc, fainted who I hope will disappear from Romania, that slave from luxury will keep you alive.

 If you enter that site topescortbabes you will see that more than half of the profiles are those on luxuryescorts, the rest are fakes with Russian women on instagram.  shit baths what prices do you ask for a profile?  Where do you think your dead are?  In dubai?  Pisamas for all these races from topbabesc, fainted who I hope will disappear from Romania, that slave from luxury will keep you alive.

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Oh, and forget the mess here, that's what the top people have, how come your dead come, 2 on the 1st place of the poor, cheap nonsense, they put on a suspicious one, march put my cock in your dead, when you took the money it wasn't  suspicious?  Why did you post the rags profile before?  That luxury monkey told you it spoiled his trick, to set your families free

 Oh, and forget the mess here, that's what the top people have, how your dead come this, 2 on the 1st place of the poor, cheap nonsense, they put on a suspicious one, march put my cock in your dead, when you  took the money it wasn't suspicious?  Why did you post the rags profile before?  That luxury monkey told you it spoiled his trick, to set your families freeP

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